Capture market returns with the academically researched Dimensional Fund Advisor funds.

Traditional investment managers strive to beat the market by taking advantage of perceived pricing mistakes and attempting to predict the future. Too often, this approach proves costly and futile. Predictions often go awry and managers miss strong returns by being in the wrong stocks at the wrong times.

Capital markets build wealth. Rather than trying to outguess the markets, and pay a manager for the proverbial `crystal ball’ view of the future, let the markets work for you. Relieve the stress and confusion of investing with a clear and empirical approach to wealth management.

While Dimensional funds follow a passive investment approach similar to indexes, they are not index funds. The value added differences come through financial engineering and the extremely efficient trading strategies employed at Dimensional. In addition, since Dimensional does not track indexes, they have flexibility when making trades.

If the Dimensional Funds approach makes sense to you, Smart Choice can work with you to build an efficient portfolio.

Check out the DFA website at to learn more. Invest where many pension funds invest for their long term success. Stop trying to find the next hot investment idea and allow your portfolio to work for you based on years of academic research.

Ready to talk?

Serving Northwest Indiana and Chicagoland, give us a call and we can discuss your situation.